Bike Helmet Red Bull

In this case the customer is very clear, You want to personalize your helmet with the logo of Red Bull, that's not too hard to imitate, the really complicated is the irregularity of the object, completely deformed. Prepare the masks will be the most complicated, this will take us many hours, you have to be very focused without[…]

Purple Queen II

Fruto de la colaboración con Valérie, nace Purple Queen II, con sus 3 metros de anchura. Encargo para la firma Swarovski para su sede en Dubai. Aquí podéis ver una primera foto durante el proceso de pintura, y posteriormente el cuadro finalizado a falta de la inserción de los cristales Swarovski.

Casco Edgar Pons

Encargo para el piloto Edgar Pons del equipo Pons Racing. Un reto, no sólo por la dificultad, si no por los pocos días que tendré para cumplir con los plazos, por lo que me pongo manos a la obra inmediatamente. Diseño que combina colores metalizados, sólidos, neones y acabado brillante y mate. Esto hace que[…]

Spanish Baraja motorcycle fenders

In this Spanish deck fender of a motorcycle can see one of my latest work, complex and detailed. In this case it is difficult to get the copy as are the original letters. Our client required us from the first moment with a similar exact original letters. This type of work deserve[…]

Aerografía Amy Winehouse sobre Vespa

Amy Winehouse made airbrushing airbrush Iwata Revolution. All have a Custom Micron and what I wanted to do a more modest model to show that either need to use one stop range to make it a tight job customer claims. Like almost everything, the tools are important but much more[…]